Print Ad in AdAge and AdWeek, 2011

Highly Targeted Facebook Ad Campaign

Groundhog Day Mailer, 2011
Direct Mail campaign sent to our large database of media buyers with punch out groundhogs having an office party. Recipients were encouraged to upload photographs to the Weather Underground Media Facebook Group.

Groundhog Day Mailer
Photos uploaded by media agencies to our Facebook page - showing the Groundhog Day office parties!

WunderSprout Direct Mail Campaign
Celebrating the start of Spring, we sent media buyers bio-degradable pots with seeds to grow plants at their desks.

WunderSprout Campaign
Photo uploaded by media buyer to our Facebook group after the WunderSprout campaign - notice the previous DM campaign (the groundhog) still on the desk!

Groundhog Day 2012 DM Campaign

Groundhog Day 2012 DM Campaign
Winning photo uploaded to our Facebook page

Branded hand cream for media buyers

Back of branded handcream

We sent out branded 'snow in a can' to media buyers because it was a particularly bad ski season due to a lack of actual snow.

WunderSnow DM Campaign
Winning photo uploaded to our Facebook Group

iMedia Breakthrough Summit 2011
Yours truly on stage at the Weather Underground sponsored party.

Autumn Equinox Party, NYC, 2012

Ice Cream Social Invitation, NYC, 2011

Ice Cream Sandwich Custom Labels

Ice Cream Social Boston, 2012

'Fall in the City' party, NYC, September 2010

Spring Soiree, NYC, April 2014

iMedia Awards, Phoenix, 2012
Green screen production (yours truly in the groundhog suit)

Retro Weather Man mailer
To celebrate the launch of video on our site, we mailed "Retro Weather Man Kits" in a VHS style box. We asked recipients to use the kit to make their own retro tv weather reports for the chance to win a cash prize.